Monitor heat stress on-site. Automatic & effortless.

No handhelds devices needed for our on-site, real-time WBGT monitoring. Keep your organization safe with the leading weather safety platform.

Simplified compliance & safety

No handheld sensors – set it and forget it

One seamless platform. Maximize safety while minimizing disruption to your activities and operations. Powered by industry-leading software & hardware. Concise alerts, policy-based safety decisions, risk forecasts, and much more.

  • On-site sensors including Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT)
  • Reduce unnecessary delays & disruptions with our leading platform
  • Actionable alerting to remind your team what precautions to take
  • Web & mobile software and hardware, with dozens of powerful features

Who We Serve

Schools & Districts

Schools and districts utilize lightning alerts, WBGT policy alerts, on-the-go weather safety, and more.

Parks & Recreation

Real-time monitoring across parks facilities, and audible/visual safety alerts for park visitors.

Golf & Resorts

Golf-specific conditions, automated weather safety, integrations with member apps & golf carts, and more.

College & Universities

Modern software, hardware, and custom forecasting to protect your campus, athletes, and events.

Club & Sport

From professional sports to little league, our platform protects thousands of athletes, fans, and facilities.

Dozens of Other Industries

The modern weather safety platform trusted by dozens of industries impacted by weather.

From small schools to the world’s largest companies

Thousands of people trust Perry Weather across athletics, golf, parks & rec, energy, airports, and other industries impacted by disruptive weather.

Amazon Air
Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail
Northern Texas PGA
Elk Grove Park District
Reynolds Lake Oconee
Sand Valley Golf Resort
Bay District Schools
Charleston County Schools
Dallas ISD
Indianapolis Colts
Philadelphia Eagles
US Soccer Federation
Columbia University
Stanford University
Texas A&M University
US Air Force
City of Arlington
Leeward Renewable Energy
Colonial Country Club

Ready to get started?

Get in touch with our team for a demo and free trial.