Weather Safety for Construction and Energy

Simplify Operations, Safeguard Assets, and Mitigate Disruptions

Get precise, location-based weather information and automatic alerts aligned with your organization’s weather guidelines right to your phone or outdoor warning system.

Easily monitor weather conditions for all your facilities from one convenient dashboard.

Watch Why Sacramento Drilling Trusts Perry Weather

“Perry Weather’s there for me to make sure that when a lightning alert happens or if we have an impending storm, they’re there for me to actually give me that alert, and I can get that out to my crew so I can make sure they’re safe.”

Powerful Hardware. Easy to Use Software.

Weather From Your Precise Location

On-site weather stations provide precise weather data from all your facilities.

Facility-Wide Weather Dashboard

Monitor all your key properties through one simple dashboard, via mobile app or web browser.

Automated Policy-Based Alerts

Automatic alerts aligned with your organization’s weather policies via text, push notifications, or outdoor warning system.

Accurate Lightning Detection with Instant Alerts

Automated Lightning Alerts

Tailor alerts to your lightning safety policy  

  • Set up alerts to receive immediate notifications and text messages with automated instructions when lightning is detected
  • Enable ‘Quiet Mode’ for notifications to ensure peace during weekends and off-hours when activities are not in session
  • Configure specific user groups and warning settings that fit your organization’s needs

Lightning Countdown Timers

Know the moment it’s safe to resume outdoor activities

  • Helpful, in-app countdown timers based on your organization’s safety policies
  • After a lightning strike is detected, initiate a countdown until given the all-clear and resuming outdoor activities
  • The timer resets with each subsequent strike, ensuring adherence to safety protocols before resuming activities

Real-Time On-Site Weather Data

Monitor current conditions, mitigate disruptions, protect your facilities, and plan appropriate construction safety measures

  • Historical Wind Data: Plan schedules, maintain public safety and keep your facilities safe with historical and real-time wind data
  • Current Conditions: Monitor current conditions such as temp, precipitation, heat index, and wind speed/direction
  • Weather Forecast Breakdown: Monitor daily or hourly forecasted conditions such as precipitation, wind speed/direction, feels like temperature

Integrated Outdoor Warning System

Audible Sirens with Custom PA

  • Personalized PA Warnings: Get custom alerts with our cellular lightning warning system for continuous safety
  • Strobe lights and audible sirens, loud alarms, and text-to-speech make sure you won’t miss lightning alerts, keeping construction sites and factories safer during storms
  • Affordable with no large upfront costs – simply bundle the outdoor warning hardware with your Perry Weather subscription

24/7 Access to Pro Meteorologists

Get Help Making the Right Call

Perry Weather’s team of professional meteorologists are just a phone call or text away

When decisions are difficult to make, or if you have an upcoming event with storms in the forecast, lean on the Perry Weather meteorologist team! Available via email, phone, or text 24/7!

Rain Check on Big Event?

You’re managing a remote wellhead in a region prone to extreme weather events. We’ll provide early warnings of potential hazards enabling proactive measures to protect equipment.

Maintenance Woes

Weather extremes damage equipment, forcing unplanned maintenance and downtime. We’ll help you predict issues and optimize resources.

Lightning Fast Advice

Delivering critical supplies and equipment to remote wellheads can be disrupted by unpredictable weather, incurring additional costs. We’ll help reschedule deliveries, minimizing downtime.

Get a Free Two Week Trial

Take Perry Weather for a test drive with a two week free trial. Get started today!

Powerful Features Built for Construction and Energy Companies

Real-time Lightning Alerts

Automated instructions for your team when lightning approaches

Track On-Site Weather Data

Monitor real-time, on-site weather data specific to your location

Know When Activities Can Resume

Countdown timers and all-clear notifications through text, push, on-site hardware, and more

On-site Weather Station Data

Monitor temperature, humidity, wind, rain, lightning, and heat stress (WBGT) in real-time

Text-to-Speech Public Address

Automatically broadcast text-to-speech to make sure everyone knows what to do when you’re not there

Policy Risk Forecasts

Find out when and how activities may be impacted today based on your weather policies

Publicly Display Weather Widgets

Embed custom widgets with weather conditions on websites, hallway TVs, scoreboards, and more!

Custom Public Address

Instantly broadcast messages for closures across your properties

Effortless User Management

Create user groups so staff members get the notifications that are relevant to them


“Perry Weather allows us to leverage extremely site-specific information… and make better decisions.”
— Brad Stewart Site WHS Manager, Amazon Air Lakeland
“Perry Weather wins hands down over the competition. It has alerted us to every dangerous situation.”
— Jason Chelette Senior Manager, Bilfinger Industrial Services
“Perry Weather provides the most accurate weather app and tracking of lightning I have ever experienced.”
— Dan Simpson Senior Superintendent, Holder Construction
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Industrial Resources


OSHA Heat Safety Rules for Outdoor Workers: Guide

The U.S Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has announced the first-ever federal heat safety regulations to protect workers from the threat of extreme heat. These rules are a major step towards mitigating heat-related health risks and, if enforced, would be the first federal heat safety regulations to ensure that workers are better protected against the dangers of rising temperatures and heat illness.
Read Now

OSHA Lightning Safety Standards for Outdoor Workers

It’s a cool Thursday afternoon, you’re hard at work outdoors, and a storm rolls in unexpectedly. What are the odds of being struck by lightning? If you’re working outdoors, it’s probably much higher than you think.   The National Weather Service estimates that lightning strikes the U.S. an astonishing 20 to 25 million times each year, causing over 300 injuries and 50 fatalities annually. Outdoor workers—especially in construction—account for more than 20% of these fatalities.
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Cal/OSHA California’s Indoor Heat Regulations Explained

California OSHA has implemented groundbreaking regulations to safeguard workers from indoor heat hazards. Effective July 2024, these new rules establish specific requirements for employers to protect employees from extreme heat exposure and heat illness within indoor workplaces. Read on to understand what these guidelines are, what they mean for you, and how to comply with the new indoor heat stress regulations. 
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Get a Free Two Week Trial

Take Perry Weather for a test drive with a two week free trial. Get started today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most common questions about how Perry Weather helps industries, or connect with our team to learn more.

What type of weather does Perry Weather monitor?

Perry Weather’s software and weather stations monitor real-time lightning strikes, live and forecasted heat stress measurements (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature), live and future radar, wind speed, temperature, humidity, wind chill and rainfall totals. 

Our system also tracks and stores easily-downloadable historical weather data for your location.

Does Perry Weather support multi-jurisdictional or regional deployments?

Yes! Our platform can manage weather data and alerts across multiple jurisdictions or regions from a single, centralized dashboard, optimizing coordination and response times.

Why is Perry Weather better than free weather apps on my phone?

Free weather apps are great for everyday personal use, but extremely limited for use in schools, construction, energy companies, organizations, and businesses. Mobile app forecasts often capture data from nearby airport weather stations, not the microclimates specific to your location. Our on-site stations provide hyperlocal, minute-by-minute data, far more accurate data.

You can’t build weather safety policies that notify your organization about what actions need to be taken in a weather safety situation. The data can be up to an hour old and coming from the nearest airport miles away, often painting a dramatically different picture than the true conditions on the field or at your location. Learn more by talking with our team.

How do you detect lightning?

Perry Weather detects all lightning strikes within your area down to 100 meters of accuracy, using the National Lightning Detection Network, the same system used by the U.S. government and military. 

No more scrambling to figure out what to do when lightning strikes. Our system gives you an accurate weather forecast, sends alerts based on your policies, and triggers an outdoor warning system to alert everyone else, ensuring a coordinated, swift response to keep everyone safe. Learn more about lightning detection and how Perry Weather’s advanced lightning detection system works.

How many of my staff members can access the software?

Our team will set you up with as many users as you need so you can assure your whole staff is on the same page when it comes to daily weather monitoring and alerting. Talk with our team today about our options for both full-access and notification-only users.

Can the public access your software?

Full access to Perry Weather’s software is intended to keep your staff on the same page. However our system can seamlessly integrate with school websites and scoreboards so you can put our forecast and real-time weather insights dashboard, including radar and lightning strike timers, for the public to access at all times.

How do we set up all of our users and our weather alert policies?

We take this out of your hands completely. Your dedicated account manager will get you all set up with your specific weather policies and get all of your users set up on the software so you can be ready to go upon install.

Can Perry Weather integrate with our existing notification systems?

Yes! We offer seamless integration with various notification platforms and emergency response systems and make integrating your policies simpler than ever.