The Lightning Detection Network NASA Relies On (And You Should Too)


The Lightning Detection Network NASA Relies On (And You Should Too)

Oct 3, 2024

Picture this: it’s November 14, 1969, and Apollo 12 has just launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Thirty-six seconds into its launch, the rocket is hit not once, but twice, by lightning. In an instant, the spacecraft’s guidance systems go dark, threatening the mission before it can even begin. Fortunately, quick thinking from the crew brings the systems back online, allowing Apollo 12 to continue its mission. 

That close call was a serious wake-up call for NASA. They quickly realized they needed a more robust lightning detection method that wouldn’t fail them. Enter the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN)—NASA’s go-to real-time lightning monitoring and safety provider.

NASA’s Secret Weapon: The National Lightning Detection Network

Founded in the late 1970s and operational by the early 1980s, the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) was a collaboration between government agencies, research institutions, and the private sector to detect cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. 

Fast-forward to today and the NLDN has evolved into the world’s most advanced lightning detection network. It has over 180 lightning sensors spread across the continental U.S and detects cloud-to-ground lightning and intra-cloud strikes with pinpoint accuracy. The NLDN has a detection rate of 98.6% and can locate strikes within a 100-meter radius. With such precision, it’s no surprise that NASA relies on the NLDN to safeguard its missions.

Learn more about the NLDN here.

How Does the National Lightning Detection Network Work?

So how exactly does the NLDN detect real-time lightning strikes so accurately? The science behind it is fascinating and complex, but we’ll keep it simple here.

Think of the NLDN as a giant web of lightning sensors spread across the United States. These lightning detection sensors are strategically placed to provide extensive geographic coverage for detecting lightning activity.

When lightning strikes, it generates powerful electromagnetic waves that travel across the sky. The NLDN’s sensors pick up these waves, pinpointing the exact location and intensity of the lightning strike, in real time. The data is instantly relayed to a central processing hub in Tucson, Arizona.

The lightning detector plots the strike location of each cloud-to-ground strike. This allows forecasters to visualize the height and horizontal extent of each lightning flash and not just the point-of-ground contact, giving a three-dimensional view that’s crucial for safety.

This 3D Lightning Detection and Ranging system was developed at the Kennedy Space Center between NASA and Global Atmospherics. (owned by the NLDN’s parent company, Vaisala). The lightning tracker system has contributed much to our understanding of lightning in severe weather forecasting.

The NLDN uses direction-finding technology and triangulation to calculate the exact location of the lightning strike. By measuring the time difference and the direction from which each sensor receives the electromagnetic signals, the system pinpoints the strike’s location. In addition to location, the NLDN captures the polarity of the strike (positive or negative) and estimates the peak current, which indicates the strike’s intensity.

Learn more about how lightning detection systems work here. 

Why NLDN’s Real-Time Lightning Data is the Gold Standard

In a world where split-second decisions can mean the difference between success and failure, real-time lightning data is critical. Many of NASA’s key launch facilities, including the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida, Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama, and the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Texas, are in some of the most lightning-prone regions in the world. Florida alone gets around 1.2 million lightning strikes per year, with more than 80 days of thunderstorms each year. That’s a lot of potential disruption for NASA!

Here are 3 Reasons Why NLDN is the Most Trusted Lightning Safety Provider

  1. Unmatched Dependability
    The NLDN has the most extensive network of lightning sensors in the continental United States. It detects more strikes in real time than any other network. It is also the most scientifically accurate and reliable lightning safety provider in the world, with an uptime exceeding 99.9%.

    Fun fact: The NLDN detects more than 20 million lightning strikes across the U.S. annually!

  2. Lightning-Fast Response Times
    The National Lightning Detection Network provides real-time updates on lightning activity, allowing NASA to halt launches, protect assets, and keep personnel safe. It can process lightning strike data in less than 30 seconds, meaning NASA always has up-to-date information about what’s happening in the sky.

  3. Extensive Lightning Strike Data
    The National Lightning Detection Network is the only network in the continental United States that can detect and differentiate between both cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning strikes.

The US Military’s Use of the NLDN

NASA isn’t the only organization that depends on the NLDN. The NLDN is also widely used by the National Weather Service, military operations, and utility companies to track lightning strikes and mitigate weather-related risks. The US Military also depends on the NLDN to protect its personnel, equipment, and operations from lightning threats. 

Military bases across the U.S. use NLDN data to assess the risk of lightning during exercises, training, and equipment maintenance. Lightning strikes can cause severe damage to military assets or even harm soldiers in the field, the accuracy and reliability of this lightning detection system are essential for national defense.

Why Should You Care About Lightning Detection?

You might be thinking, “That’s great for NASA, but what about my school or golf course?”

Here’s the good news: lightning doesn’t discriminate, and neither does the NLDN. The same lightning detection system that protects space missions is also available to smaller-scale organizations like schools, parks, and golf courses.

Perry Weather: The Same Lightning Data Source Trusted by NASA

Even if you’re not launching rockets, accurate lightning detection is crucial for the safety of your students, staff, or employees. Perry Weather’s weather monitoring platform utilizes the same National Lightning Detection Network trusted by NASA and the US Military.

This means you get access to the best lightning data source in the world and the same real-time lightning detection accuracy and reliability as NASA. When it comes to lightning safety, you can trust Perry Weather to keep you informed and safe.

  • Real-Time Lightning Alerts
    With Perry Weather, your organization receives real-time lightning alerts, so you can make quick, informed decisions that keep everyone safe.

Max Obermiller, Head Swimming and Diving Coach at The University Of The South says, “Love Perry Weather’s timely updates and notifications. Uses real data from the site (rather than “general” info from a weather app or website).  Lighting strikes are VERY educational and informative.

  • Lightning Countdown Timer: Perry Weather’s Lightning Countdown Timer gives a 30-minute all-clear warning, so you know exactly when to resume operations once lightning has passed.

Ryan Livezey, Head Athletic Trainer at Mount Pisgah Christian School, sums it up, “Switching to Perry Weather was one of the best decisions I’ve made as an Athletic Director. I feel much safer knowing we have accurate lightning detection and weather readings for our student-athletes and coaches.”

  • Integration with Existing Safety Protocols and Policies: Perry Weather integrates seamlessly with your existing lightning policies and safety protocols, enhancing your ability to manage weather-related risks efficiently.

  • Custom & Automated Notifications: With Perry Weather, you can set custom notifications based on your specific policy guidelines. Whether you need to alert coaches, staff, or event attendees, Perry Weather ensures that you receive timely and relevant information, reducing the risk of severe weather.

Duane Lewandowski, Hall Monitor at Penn-Harris-Madison Schools notes, “Lightning detection and radar is solid and the notifications of lightning strikes in terms of distance away are very helpful. We always get special weather statements and alerts as well as all clear messages.”

  • Unmatched Accuracy and Reliability: Perry Weather delivers the same level of precision and reliability trusted by NASA, meaning you can confidently stay ahead of any lightning threats with top-tier data.

Ethan Collier, Superintendent of Sports and Wellness, Chesterfield Parks and Recreation, states, “Perry Weather has made my life easier. As a superintendent of sports and wellness… I don’t have to worry about safety when it comes to lightning nearly as much as I used to because I have a system I can trust.”

Read the full customer story

With real-time lightning alerts and tracking, Perry Weather ensures that you’re always one step ahead of the storm. 

Safeguard your organization

Thanks to the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN), NASA can confidently plan launches, protect personnel, and secure high-tech equipment with real-time lightning data.
With Perry Weather, your organization benefits from the same trusted lightning detection technology that safeguards space missions. 

Whether you manage a school district, a golf course, a construction site, or a park district, you get access to the same real-time lightning data trusted by NASA and the U.S. Military. Are you ready to safeguard your organization with NASA-level lightning detection? Try Perry Weather with a free two-week trial and experience the difference firsthand.

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