Evapotranspiration for golf

Cultivate a healthier golf course with on-site evapotranspiration (ET) monitoring

How does evapotranspiration monitoring benefit your course?

Monitor conditions at-a-glance

Track daily levels and forecasts, providing early warnings for conditions that can impact resource supply and allocation.

Improve resource management

Simplified data to help improve water conservation and resource allocation, reducing waste and ensuring sustainable practices.

Increase plant health

Know how much water your course needs, aiding in proper irrigation and maintenance to ensure lush landscapes and healthy vegetation.

Better use of resources

Encourage efficient water usage, giving your course only what it needs while reducing costs and environmental impact.

  • Better management = lower operational costs
  • Reduces water waste and preserves resources
  • No soil sensors needed; lower upfront cost and no ongoing maintenance
  • Enhances overall playing experience of your course

Reduce risks and playable downtime

Helps in identifying and mitigating potential risks, like oversaturation, plant disease, infestation and drought.

  • Promotes healthier turfgrass and quicker recovery times
  • More accurate watering depths to avoid overwatering
  • Prevent drought stress and dry patches
  • Improves playing conditions and prevents downtime

Enhanced decision-making

Better data drives better decisions. Collect real-time, site-specific conditions for more accurate monitoring and alerting for better irrigation scheduling and maintenance planning.

  • Clearer understanding of course conditions
  • Helps plan watering schedules further in advance
  • Historical data for insights to past trends
  • Allows more time for preventative maintenance

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