ThorGuard requires wired internet connection and direct power. Perry Weather outdoor weather stations are wireless, solar/battery powered, and use cellular internet connection.
Accurate lightning detection
Automated warnings and notifications
Based on your weather policies
ThorGuard requires wired internet connection and direct power. Perry Weather outdoor weather stations are wireless, solar/battery powered, and use cellular internet connection.
Perry Weather uses on-site commercial-grade WBGT sensors. ThorGuard only measures heat index, resulting in decisions based on outdated protocols.
Perry Weather provides accurate, instant alerts with strike info and countdown timers. Notify via mobile or on-site systems with text-to-speech and sirens.
Thor Guard relies on predictive models that estimate lightning risk, while Perry Weather utilizes the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) for lightning detection, for real-time, pinpoint-accurate strike detection.
Perry Weather provides instant, automated lightning alerts with a 30-minute countdown, while Thor Guard’s system often results in delayed or missed warnings due to prediction inaccuracies.
With Perry Weather, you can automate alerts based on your organization’s weather policies, ensuring compliance without manual monitoring—Thor Guard lacks this level of customization.
Perry Weather gives you direct access to professional meteorologists for real-time, personalized guidance, while Thor Guard offers no direct meteorologist support for on-the-spot decision-making.
Perry Weather’s intuitive dashboard lets you track multiple sites in one place, while Thor Guard’s interface is outdated and requires individual system setups for each location.
Lightning safety isn’t about guessing—it’s about knowing. Thor Guard tries to predict lightning by measuring static electricity with a single sensor – an inadequate approach.
Thor Guard doesn’t detect actual lightning strikes – it guesses when they can occur based on changes in the atmospheric electrostatic energy.
We’ve heard from Thor Guard customers that alerts can be falsely triggered by things as simple as lawn mowers, nearby power lines, or cell phones.
During big storms, we’ve heard that Thor Guard can get so overwhelmed with all the static electricity that it doesn’t even warn us when we need it most.
Texas A&M University recently had their Thor Guard system trigger a lightning alert, and kept them under a delay a full 36 minutes too long after the all clear should have been sent out to resume outdoor activities.
ThorGuard requires a large upfront investment. There is no subscription or lower cost option available, all hardware must be purchased up front.
Perry Weather offers both up-front purchase options as well as subscription options included in your software subscription at a fraction of the cost, making it much more accessible and budget friendly.
Additionally, if your organization does not require on-site hardware, Thor Guard does not offer a software only subscription.
ThorGuard’s reliance on hardwired power and connections creates limitations.
Power outages mean system outages, leaving you unprotected. Perry Weather eliminates this risk with a fully wireless, battery-powered system (with solar backup) and redundant cellular connectivity.
Perry Weather warning systems and outdoor weather stations are also connected to the internet via cellular, requiring no hardwire connection.
We obviously think we’re pretty great, but here’s an honest comparison. To help you decide between Perry Weather and Thor Guard, let’s dive into the details.
Perry Weather utilizes the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) for lightning detection, a trusted source of lightning data for esteemed organizations like NASA, the US Military, and the FAA.
Perry Weather’s weather station with lightning detection quickly processes the details from the NLDN when there is a lightning strike, capturing the exact location, timing, and nature of the strike, and promptly issues warnings via text message or through an outdoor warning system.
The number one reason people cite for loving Perry Weather? Our customer service. Our dedicated support team is here for you via email or phone during normal business hours.
All Perry Weather customers also receive 24/7 meteorologist support via phone, text, or email. So if you have a big event coming up and you’re uncertain of which way the weather will turn, our degreed meteorologists have your back.
Perry Weather units are installed in a few weeks, on average, from the date you become a customer. In contrast, Thor Guard customers often have to wait months (we’ve heard up to 6) before your hardware unit can be installed.
Perry Weather also gets you up and running instantly on software, so you’re still covered with lightning detection, policy risks, and more until your hardware units are installed.
Perry Weather’s system allows you to set up fully customizable alerts to receive immediate mobile notifications and text messages with automated instructions when lightning is detected.
Our outdoor warning systems also include fully customizable alerts. Choose how long and how often the sirens sound when lightning is detected, and when the all clear is ready.
Our web and mobile app dashboard includes customizable lightning countdown timers, based on your organization’s policies, that initiate after a lightning strike is detected, until you’re given the all-clear to resume outdoor activities.
We detect lightning strikes immediately all over the country. We can set your customizable alerts in any range of mileage from your location, based on your lightning policies. For example, you can receive alerts from any lightning strikes within five miles of your location, or alerts for any lightning strikes within 50 miles of your location.
You can fully customize both the number of times the sirens go off automatically when a lightning strike hits, and the duration of the sound. The same can be done for the all-clear notification when the lightning is gone.
Additionally, sirens can be operated manually right from your phone. Our sirens also have text-to-speech ability, so you can type a public announcement message on your phone to be broadcast over the siren.
Our team will help you every step of the way. Our expert consultations ensure that you’re not just getting a generic policy, but one that’s tailor-made to fit your unique needs. These consultations, backed by our team of meteorologists, guarantee a policy that’s both comprehensive and actionable.
Our accurate daily forecasts show you potential weather for the day and week ahead. High chance of a lightning delay between 5-6 PM? Our dashboard will show you the level of risk for lightning strikes at any point that day to help you stay well-prepared.
Say goodbye to weather uncertainty 👋