Customer Stories > Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail

Maximizing play time & safety for RTJ Golf Trail’s 26 courses

  • William H. Maciasz
    Head Professional

  • Joseph T. McNally
    Director of Golf


Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail had the right kind of problem: a huge volume of golfers wanting to play on its 26 courses at 11 locations, stretched across Alabama. 

With interconnected clubhouses and hundreds of golfers potentially on the course at any time, communicating about weather-related issues was a big challenge. It was also a challenge to have course-specific weather information available for let course marshals to make quick decisions to clear players off the course, and let them resume play as soon as the weather cleared up.

They needed a customizable weather monitoring system to help them manage such a wide range of locations – and make sure golfers weren’t unnecessarily inconvenienced if their particular course was not in harm’s way.


Perry Weather’s cloud-based emergency weather and lightning alert system provided RTJ Trail with the automatic safety alerts and mobile app access to be able to make weather safety decisions with ease and confidence. 

RTJ trail now has 70 outdoor warning systems, plus course-specific weather stations, located across their courses provide real-time, site-specific information. The automatic sirens, text-to-speech messaging, and flashing lights broadcast warnings to golfers about incoming weather issues.

With so many courses spread across the state, it’s key for RTJ to have a birds-eye view and monitor conditions in different areas. Perry Weather’s app helps them see the weather statewide, which can vary from Huntsville and Muscle Shoals up north to Mobile – America’s rainiest big city – on the Gulf Coast.


With the Perry Weather system in place, course officials are able to see real-time weather activity across their 26 courses directly on their mobile app and web dashboard. They can now make informed decisions about golfer safety while minimizing unnecessary disruptions. 

Marshals can clear courses quickly, and also get players back to the links after the all-clear has sounded.

RTJ can also use manual text-to-speech blasts for other weather events like tornadoes, to ensure maximum safety with minimal intrusions. 

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